I'm still betting on RJ Young...
RJ Young Opens Tennessee Distribution Center
On Thursday, May 28, RJ Young (www.rjyoung.com), with help from Mayor A. Keith McDonald, cut the ribbon opening its doors to its new regional distribution center in Bartlett, Tenn. Many local companies came by to see the company's new location, demo room and warehouse facility.
"We are very encouraged by the turnout from the business community," said Chip Crunk, president and CEO, RJ Young. "It shows that we made the right decision to invest in this community and establish Bartlett as our regional distribution center for all of west Tennessee and Mississippi. RJ Young broke into the Memphis market more than three years ago after acquiring Inserv. The company retained a majority of their employees, which allowed them to build on their existing customers and knowledge of the market."
"In just three years, we have consistently had double-digit growth, our sales staff has tripled in size and we purchased a building three times the size of our previous location," said Hunter McCarty, COO, RJ Young. "We're excited to open our doors, to meet our neighbors and showcase the latest technology in digital imaging."
During the celebration, Canon fueled the fire by awarding RJ Young with its "Top Dollar Volume Award" for achieving in excess of $10 million in wholesale revenue with Canon.
"There are only about 10 dealerships that received this award nationwide," said Crunk. "While many other dealers are struggling with growth, we appear to be among the few that are just the opposite."