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Reply to "Where Do You see the Copier Industry in 5 years????"

...and that takes me full-circle back to my discussion of "document management strategies". It's too early for me to say that I've found the perfect transition into the next phase of our industry, but I'm certainly giving it a shot! I'm practicing adding phrases like "Integrated Electronic Document Management System" and "Managed Print Services including Total Fleet Management" into my daily talk-track. Of course, we've all been discussing this type of stuff amongst ourselves for years, but it wasn't until just recently that I finally had enough of a "loyal" client base writing me reference letters this week saying how thrilled they were with my company's service and our long-term relationships, and then telling me next that week they bought someone else's system because it was $1,000 cheaper! I've even recently caught myself trying to intentionally slow down a client's sales cycle in an effort to make sure they're not just collecting proposals so they can "buy a copier" (and believe me...that goes against everything I was taught in this industry!). Of course, that type of behavior is not helping my short-term quota achievment (and I'll keep you posted on how that works out...we'll see if my bosses have really been on board with this "total solution philosophy" they've been pushing...I may wind up selling wingtips at the mall after all of this unfolds!)

But in the meantime, I'm banking on Neal's "evolution strategy" and adopting Einstein's philosophy regarding the definition of insanity: "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". Our industry may become a commodity market, but I ain't going down without a fight! I'll either be the last man standing...or I'll see you at the mall!


Good Selling!
