all industries evolve and a business must evolve with their industry or be left behind. Studebake made coaches and buggies and moved to the automobile. Those who sold the coaches and buggies either changed or went under.
Many companies in our business started out as typewriter companies and took on copiers or as Fisher's old company, went under.
If you are planning on the "copier" industry to last, then think again. It's evolving at a pace that is fast and furious (sorry Vin Diesel). From MPS to embedded softwares things certainly aren't the way they were just a few short years ago. One of my best friends is an old "copier" guy and doesn't want to change. He wants to sell boxes because that's what he's always done. Solutions are as far from where he wants to be as east is from the west, but it's those solutions to where this industry is today and will evolve from in the future.