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When did you first learn about the industry

Now that I have a 3 year old and new born twins I was thinking back about how long I've been around this business. More so, the fact of actually understanding the business and I believe it's probably been about 20 years even though I've only been working for 10 years. Now that my father will be retiring at some point in the next few years and allowing me to continue on with the business I certainly hope my kids will show some interest in the business. And if they don't, that's fine. This business has been extremely good to me from a money and a relationship standpoint and I am glad I do what I do.

And who could say no to these three. I'm thinking in a couple years they will be ready to go out prospecting.

"If any of my competitors were drowning, I'd stick a hose in their mouth and turn on the water." - Ray Kroc


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