Glory/Jrlz: When you lose your job and you're about to lose everything you've worked your life for, Food Stamps will help you feed your children - no child in the US should be hungry. If you're going to vote are you going to vote for the guy and party that wants to do away with Food Stamps, the party that wants to deregulate the Banksters that are trying to take your house, the party that says "we can't raise taxes on the rich, they're the job creators when they're the ones that got rid of you or do you vote for the guy that helping you feed your children? Its easy for me to see why not you guys?
Jrlz: as for Communist countries and immigration there are only five left in the world and of those, Cuba and No Korea are so corrupt no one wants to go there. Leaving Vietnam where most NIKE products are made there's huge demand for workers where they're treated decently as with China. Laos, bordering Vietnam and China is so isolated as to almost not exist.
Fisher: you're onto something here. I can concur that things will dramatically change in the US in the next 50-75 years as it has since Ronald Reagan's time. We, as a country, are not doomed but we as a Middle Class will continue to exist but with little upward mobility unless those in power realize that those that can afford to, should be the ones that take up the cause and help.