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Reply to "USA Presidential Poll"

Originally posted by Art Post:
AS I get ready to retire for the night, it seems the USA will be in Obamas hands for the next four years. I hope I wake up and it's not true....of course I won't be happy as a matter of fact I will feel sorry that our continued debt will force us to follow others. I hope I'm wrong.

I am with you Art. It is clear now from the exit polls that Obama's bail out of the UAW and his pandering to the typical liberal special interest groups bought him the presidency. I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic". Seems we have two parties with extremely different visions for the country. One party says if you vote for me I will take money from one group and give it to you. The other party says vote for me and I will let you keep more of your money.
I hope that Washington will grow up and stop spending our childrens money, but I dont think that will happen. We are headed the way of the Europeon Socialist nanny state. Get ready for increased taxes and Obamacare, no turning back now.