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Reply to "USA Presidential Poll"

Originally posted by Old Glory:
No, we need to pay our debts and yes, I do not believe global warming is real, not in the way you do anyway. I do not believe that there is such a thing as man made global warming and I seriously question whether any current fluctuations are anything but the normal ebb and flow of cyclical events that have gone on since the beginning of time.

I agree with Old Glory.
First on the US debt and deficit spending has to be dealt with, we cannot continue down the path we are on. While we need to pay our current debts we should look at cutting spending. Everything must be cut – social spending, defense, foreign aid, everything. I don’t understand why we are sending billions to other countries for foreign aid when we cannot pay our bills. It is like someone not being able to pay their mortgage but using their credit card to give money to charity. If we confiscated all the income from everyone earning more than $250,000/year we would not fund the federal government for a year. Spending cuts, not tax increases are what we need.
On global warming. Our planet has gone through many warming and cooling periods over its history. I am not convinced that what we are seeing is because of anything we are doing. How does a hurricane prove man-made global warming? Hurricanes have existed since before man was here. We even have a hurricane season which is June 1 – November 30. I vividly recall when I was in 1st or 2nd grade being taught in school that the earth was cooling and we might be headed for the next ice age. I remember because it scared the hell out of me. 30 years latter all of a sudden the scientific community is now saying we are warming? How is it that scientists cannot tell me with certainty exactly what the weather is going to be tomorrow, but yet they can tell me that the earth is warming and it’s our fault. I am not convinced.