According to a 2009 Pew Research Center Poll, only 36 percent of Americans believe there is “solid evidence” the earth is warming because of human activity, down from 47 percent in 2008 and 41 percent in 2006. Only 57 percent believe there is solid evidence the earth is warming at all, a significant drop from 71 percent the previous year.
Those who have accepted the big lie as truth are fervent, unquestioning and unshakable in their belief. For many others, the campaign has simply taken the bloom off the rose of green energy, creating confusion and apathy about the issue.
The increasing influence of this propaganda campaign helps to explain why the 2012 presidential candidates have barely mentioned global warming as a campaign issue and why few incumbent congressmen or senators will even comment on the issue anymore, let alone sponsor or vote for bills that address it. Politically, global warming has become too hot to touch.