Wow, whole lotta opinions supported by facts and not so factual statements (unless you have a crystal ball). No one has even mentioned the REAL problem . . . that the process of GOVERNING in the US has been hijacked by the moneyed interests. They are throwing out "false-flag" issues such as War on Women, Mitt's Taxes, Obamacare, ad infinitum, to obfuscate the real problem - The Money Party is running everything and everyone.
The US Department of Defense budget is MORE than the rest of the world combined, yes COMBINED, and there are elected idiots that want more for them. For me it's about time someone (many, many someones) from the Financial Sector be held accountable and be forced to give up their bonuses they received from 2007-2012, for nearly screwing the world economy beyond hope.
My vote still goes to Rocky Anderson because the sooner we all come to the realization that The Money Party gets whatever it wants, will we realize we need additional people in Washington (like Sen Bernie Sanders) that are really interested in changing the system that the moneyed interests have bought with our money (Savings, 401k, Investments, etc.). Obama will be President for another 4 years and the Republican Party will start moving back to where Ronald Reagan left them. The Dems will continue to occupy the middle and sustain the status quo and those of us hoping for change will continue to search for a leader that can lead and not follow the money.
Who's going to win the World Series?