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Reply to "USA Presidential Poll"

Let me put all of the salary stuff into perspective. Mitt has 20 more years on Obama to add to his wealth. 20 years is a lot of time to develop wealth.

Both in my eyes are very rich men, look into the future and you'll see the wealth Obama's wealth skyrocket and equal Romneys when you look at their wealth compared to the same age.

Bill Clinton was a lowley governor from Arkansas when he took office, and in the last 10 years of his private life just from speaking engagements he has earned $44.9 million, http://politicalticker.blogs.c...fter-lucrative-2010/ and there was a rumor he spend 13 million on his daughters wedding.

Personally, I'm sick and tired of hearing the media proclaim Obama as the annointed one. Both Romney and Obama are ricj when compared to my meager earnings. They both deserve to be rich, and personally I couldn't give a rats ass what theydo with their money!

I want someone who can lead, someone who can take care of the debt and someone who won't tax the crap out of me. OBAMA will continue social programs that will add to the debt not decrease the debt, you can go on past history for this.

A report today on the wire stated that Obamas healthcare "tax" was under estimated at how many people will be afftected. I think the figure was 4 million and has jumped to 8 million. I'm thinking everyone has no clue to how many will be affected.

Look at this also does Romney pay for healthcare, tou be your dam ass he does, how about Obama, nope he hasn't paid for healthcare since he entered politcal office.
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