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Reply to "USA Presidential Poll"

Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy:
A Premier of a Canadian Province (like a US Governor)recently visited the USA for Health care (Heart issues) because he could easily afford it and the wait times were much shorter. There are more than a few Canadians who do go to the USA for Healthcare.

I recently had to wait three months for an MRI. It cost me $10.00 .

... and yes Healthcare does take up an alarmingly big and growing part of the Canadian budget.

SSG, you back up what I have heard about the Canadian system regarding wait times. Hopefully, you did not need an MRI for a severe issue such as a cancer diagnosis. A three month wait for an MRI could be the differnce between life and death. The reason for the long wait times is that there are a low number of MRIs/capita. THis is becuase the Canadian government needs to ration thier funds and can not afford to support more MRIs or CT scanners. This is what we will see in the US under Obamacare. Obama Care will decrease payment rates to health care providers. So how will health care providers respond to lower revenue? They will need to lower costs by decreasing capital expenditures.