quote:Originally posted by Jrlz:
We will have to agree to disagree. I happen to think...
I agree! (to disagree)
I do not think our health "care" is bad, but I don't think it is the best.
The real issue is not the quality of the care for those who can afford it, but being able to afford it in the first place.
If you don't have a job that offers insurance (for example, if you are a farmer) then buying insurance is expensive and then when you have a problem (such as cancer since we were discussing it) you can easily wind up with a bill for a million dollars.
Old joke: A farmer wins a million dollars and they ask him what he'll do with the money and he says "I guess I'll just keep farming until it's all gone".
Obamacare addresses these issues: Everyone has to have insurance and insurance is more affordable for those outside the current system.
Obamacare does not address in any real way the core issue to healthcare the U.S. faces which is spiraling healthcare costs. I haven't heard of any way that actually does address this EXCEPT single payer or single provider (please feel free to suggest one). Of those two, single payer is the lesser of the evils. That's a fight for another day