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Reply to "USA Presidential Poll"

Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy:
I have an active copier service technician in my territory who was just diagnosed with Terminal Cancer. He has very modest financial resources. In Canada, he is able to access almost free medical care and immediately apply for long term disability.

Not really knowing the details of "Obamacare", what would happen to this tech in the USA?

First, my heart goes out to your friend. My prayers go out to him and his family.
Second, Obama care is not actually health insurance, it merely mandates , among other things, that everyone is required to purchase health insurance. What would happen to a person who is diagnosed with terminal cancer under “Obama Care” will then vary according to the insurance that they have.
In general terms, there would be co-pays for office visits and perhaps additional out of pocket co-insurance payments. Most health insurance plans include a maximum out of pocket cost for the insured. Most also include a life time maximum of benefits. Most benefits plans would also include long-term disability coverage. There are also a number of charities in the US that help to defray costs for those affected.
In the United States we also have government funded health insurance such as Medicare for retirees, Medicaid for the poor and the Veterans Affairs Department who offers coverage for veterans.