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Reply to "USA Presidential Poll"

I met with a business owner today, was with his doctor earlier in the week. The doctor stated that if the democrats win the election. He is going close his business, fire his employees and go to work in a hospital, since the burden of his compliance with the new healthcare law will be too much for him to bear. Why put up with the headaches, regulations he could work for the hospital and have no headaches and regulations that will mandate how much he can earn and how his business is conducted.

Also spoke with a VP of BOA, his department is now being told by reglulators that they can't launch this product or that product because it would ....... don't remember the rest, but most folks who WANT TO work hard and have the ability to run their own business are now considering packing it in and working for someone or something else.

It's truly a sad state of affairs. Bring back the 80's!