I am not studied enough in American politics to be able to defend my personal views against obvious pro republican sentiment.
I do feel that the Bush era Republicans paved the way for the financial melt down of the US banking and mortgage system. The Obama administration had no choice but to take on major amounts of new debt to try and contain the crisis.
This was closely followed by the auto crisis forcing more huge amounts of debt to bail out the industry.
Everyone knew at the time, the bill would come due next election.
What is obvious, is, whoever wins the election, I hope they win a majority in both the Congress and Senate. I think, unfortunately, this is not likely.
The USA political system is currently barely functional. The country cannot afford four more years of political gridlock in DC.
The latest poll(for what it is worth) puts the Democrats increasing their lead on the Republicans by 4% with growing support from women, blacks, latinos and US veterans.
I apologize for using the phrase "Republican lies" as it is too incendiary for meaningful discussion.