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Reply to "Things to Think About!"

So, I'm browsing through the new Readers Digest (okay, old fashioned yes, what can I say?!) this weekend, and lo and behold that very advice about the GPS and remote and the texting and the pin was in it. The story is called "How to Find Anything."

This brings up a bigger rant, and if you'll bear with me a second....

I'm getting very tired of Internet foolishness getting passed along as actual truth by legitimate media who no longer bother to take the time to validate their stories. Whatever happened to "two sources for confirmation before publication"!!!! If I hadn't done the research back in my journalism school days, my professors and editors would have flunked me, ripped me a new one, and thrown me out the door.

Okay, rant over. You may now pick on the loser who's still reading Readers Digest in this day and age.