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The only 3D printing company anyone’s heard of just laid off a huge chunk of its staff

There were supposed to be more of us using 3D printers by now, but the concept has been slow to materialize. And MakerBot, the company that was supposed to bring 3D printing into the home, is suffering for it.



The desktop 3D-printer maker announced today (Oct. 8) that it’s restructuring and cutting 20% of its staff. This comes only a few months after it cut a previous 20% and closed all its retail stores.



MakerBot was acquired by Stratasys, a large, industrial 3D-printing firm, for $600 million back in 2013. Up until that point, MakerBot arguably was one of the companies that could’ve disrupted Stratasys, if it had figured out how to move 3D-printing technology beyond  read more here

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