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Student proposes chalk as flier alternative

I was so glad to read that the University has finally banned the practice of taping fliers to the concrete on campus. This long overdue policy will not only save the University money, but it will also be a benefit to the environment. Supplies like tape, paper and ink will be spared, and copiers/printers will be less stressed. Furthermore, multitudes of trees will be saved.

And despite the fears and worries of some, there are feasible and well-proven alternatives. I would like to offer up one that was employed at my undergraduate institution: sidewalk chalk. Sidewalk chalk is non-toxic and biodegradable. It washes away when it rains Ð which I find preferable to watching old paper turn into disgusting, dirty scraps Ð while perhaps allowing for more artistic creativity. And you can get a 20 piece bucket of 4 by 1 inch sidewalk chalk for as little as $2 a bucket. It doesn't take much more time to "chalk" than it would to tape down dozens of fliers on the ground. And even if it did, if you're truly "down for your cause or organization," this is only a small inconvenience.

Although I'm surprised this policy was not implemented sooner, I'm glad to see the University making strides in the right direction.
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