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Spring into Action with Documentmall!!!!

Spring Into Action
DocumentMall New Account Promotion -- Valid thru June 15, 2008

Dear Reseller:

DocumentMall is pleased to announce the Spring Into ActionCustomer Incentive now through June 15, 2008. The Spring Into Action Promotion offers your customers extraordinary savings – up to 80% – on select DocumentMall Starter Package and MFP Bundles for a complete document management and storage solution.

Take advantage of this opportunity to increase the average revenue per MFP sale by offering DocumentMall to companies that would most benefit:

• Paper intensive industries subject to regulatory compliance –
financial, government and education
• Multiple offices needing secure sharing and collaboration –
healthcare, legal and marketing
• Environments needing rapid access to data for business process
improvement – billing and HR staffing firms

Stand out from the competition and retain customers longer by setting them up with an industry unique internet-enabled MFP document management solution. With these promotional DocumentMall prices, your customers receive 2x, 3x, 4x and 5x the storage space – but only until June 15th.
Special pricing and details can be found in the attachment below.

Spring Into Action and make your MFP sales bigger and better. Remember, DocumentMall is an excellent alternative to e-Cabinet. For sales support and product demos, contact your DocumentMall Regional Sales Manager at .

Reseller Guidelines:
To ensure this special storage offer is applied to your customer’s DocumentMall account, please do the following:
Ø Submit the attached Promotion Claim Form (with a copy of Sales Order)
Ø Upon submission, Reseller will receive a Certificate, with Promotion
Code, to be given to customer for DocumentMall account registration.
Ø Additional storage will be added to customer’s account when customer
enters the Promotion Code at registration.

For pricing and details, see the attached document below.

(See attached file: Spring into Action Promo - 2 pgs_May08.pdf)
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