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Software decisions

I have a prospect who is looking to implement a new color system with scanning and I'm proposing the Savin C3828 (ricoh 2238 series). This is a law firm and they are interested in scanning mostly for manipulation.

Our company is weak in this area, but I think the competition is weaker. I have shown the benefits of scan to archive and scan to share, with basic windows folders and Virtual Copier as options. Canon is showing Ecopy and Xerox Paper Port. My understanding is that neither of these products even touch the surface of manipulation and they have either not analyzed the customers needs or are putting up a smoke screen.

I have told the prospect that Paper Port can be used with our product also, but haven't mentioned that it will not do what they want, which is make notations with text or post-it type inserts, draw on the document, highlight, etc.

Does anyone know what product may be good for them?

I have a number of different ideas, but it may involve multiple software packages. Full version of Acrobat offers many of these type of options. Photo Shop may be something worth looking into. Microsoft Office Document Imaging (I think comes with Office) provides the ability to draw, highlight, etc...

I'm trying to avoid hours of research and purchasing different software only to find it cannot do what the prospect wants.

I would also like to know if anyone has run into similiar situations and if they have been successful in minimizing this objection/need. It never fails, the person who hasn't started with the baby step wants to run a marathon and it can be exhausting.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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