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Reply to "Seri Printer 25 w/VDP from Ricoh"

You really have to have two seri's for a dual installation like that. One for the HQ9000, one for the TCII. I've seen the VDP - pretty slick. We've had issues with Seri in general, and it's like pulling teeth to get tech support. Seems to work alright in higher volume environments.
You're right on the 4 color run - two time through the TCII, but if you plan to do process color, good luck. With a friction fed system, and masters that slowly stretch over a long run, it's nigh on impossible to retain the registration required to output anything close to acceptable in most cases.
HQ9000 comes with a RIP embedded - RPCS printing. It's very good, but you have much more control (like adjusting the LPI) with the PS3 option.