Your Solutions were great...The stories and situations all showed the
Duplicator as a tremendous
"Lead" product for your growth within these named accounts
On behalf of Mike, John, Cliff and all who contribute to growing the
digital duplicator business on a daily basis, we're proud to announce the 8
dealer side semi-finalists and the 4 direct side semi-finalists for the
Sell The Solution Tournament. The following are in alphabetically order,
the names, locations and type of deal that qualified for inclusion. All 12
will arrive in West Caldwell the evening of April 9th. Only 3, two from
dealer side and one from direct side, will leave on April 11th as the Grand
Prize Winners of the trip to Japan.
(Embedded image moved to file: pic30836.pcx)
MY, Thanks to everyone who participated! Special mention should be made to
those of you who sent multiple solutions ,,,Your support was appreciated!!
Please pass along your congratulations to Trey, Sam, Bobby, Brenda, Mark,
Ray, Art, Ted, Jim, Margaret, Dave and Al when you see them.
Bob Rinaldi
Eastern Region
Priport Manager
Cliff Campbell
Marketing Manager
Digital Duplicator Products
West Caldwell Headquarters
(973) 882-21
(Art's Comment)
Guess I understood it , I am one of eight finalists. Did anyone else from the club make it?