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Savin 3406WD w/ Plotworks

So like most Ricoh/Savin/Lanier reps I know we all hate the fact that Ricoh increased the price of the 3406WD system and included plotworks software instead of making it an option.


I recently was working with an Electrical Contractor and the Oce' dealer told him we could not do batch printing on the Savin. He would not purchase the system if it would not do batch printing. So after a call to OpCenter who makes it, I set up a webX with the customer and was amazed at the what all the software did. The customer was blown away and told the OpCenter guy that was all he needed to see to make his decision.


While I still don't like the fact that they raised the price of the machine just to put software on it 80% of people will not use I do like the software wtih everything it does.


"If any of my competitors were drowning, I'd stick a hose in their mouth and turn on the water." - Ray Kroc

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