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Your Competitive Advantage Selling Your Unique Attributes

What's your competitive advantage? You can turn those cold calls into warm calls by explaining to your prospect just what makes you unique, different and better than the competition!

The best way to explain a competitive advantage is by first talking about what it is not. "We give great customer service" is NOT aunique competitive advantage. Every company in the world makes this claim - whether it is true or not. This type of line is just a "throw-away." It doesn't set you apart from anyone.

Look at your company, it's products and services andfigure out what makes you truly special. Then sell those points whenyou are making a cold call. How can you save your prospect money,increase profit, add peace of mind, save time and create more valueoverall? For example, at (your company), one of our competitiveadvantages is that you will always be able to reach the president of the company.
In the sometimes disreputable industry we are apart of, clients are comforted to know that they can easily talk to 'where the buck stops'. Now that's unique!

Another advantage I like to mention is that at the end of the campaign your call list will be returned to you "qualified" with the information we have learned about your prospects. You list will now contain thedecision maker's name and a record of the conversation that tookplace to assist you in your future marketing or mailing efforts.

One of the best ways to come up with your competitive advantages is to think about how you've helped a particular industry, target thatgroup, and "speak their language." How can you add value specifically to that market segment?

Of course, you should mention your competitive advantages in your phone call, but don't forget to use them in your follow-up letters or emails also. After completing a phone call or in-person meeting, send an email recap to remind the prospect about exactly what was discussed in the phone call. Add a paragraph or two, or bullet points atthe bottom of the re-cap as a reminder of exactly what makes your company unique, different and the right choice for your prospect.

"Call me after the Holidays" is Here but Your Business Doesn't Stop!

Thanksgiving is early this year, extending the holiday season byabout a week. But just because business (decision-making) slowsfrom Thanksgiving to New Year's Day, doesn't mean that youshould stop marketing.

In fact, with the right attitude, you can use the month of Decemberto be ready to get back to work on Jan. 2, a time when many of your competitors are just starting to think about setting those sales calls.

It may seem that the most frequent words you'll hear on the phoneright now are, "Call me after the holidays." Don't let it frustrate you.Try this rebuttal: "My calendar fills up pretty quickly. Why don't we set a tentative appointment now for January? Do you have your calendar in front of you?"

Tentative is a great word, because it won't make your prospect feel asif they are making a hard and fast commitment. Always ask theprospect to take out their calendar. It makes it much more likely that they will agree to an appointment.

Remember, any appointment you make now will make it a little easierto get back into the swing of things in January when the holidays are over.