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Reply to "Riso Pros and Cons"



Duplicators are pretty much dead at least here in the North East, I would tend to think that the Bible Belt does much better with sales.


Comcolor!  Could never sell one, even though we demonstrated a few.  I call it the ink technology "newspaper color".  Best image is still on inkjet (rice paper), however, the cost of that paper is way to high to consider in the production market.


We had a prospect that loved it for newsletters, however the first gen had too much ink bleed through on 18lb bond paper. They had to use lighter weight paper to keep the mailing cost down.  Never got that sale.


Pitney Bowes is really the only viable channel for the Comcolor, the system is perfect for producing mailers with using pressure seal paper.  I have a funny story to tell about that, but not here.


We even had a demo in a large insurance company, they loved everything about the system, were going to use it for envelopes, however, we could not get the color of their logo to match on the output, thus the system was not approved.


I've heard that the 3rd gen was better with bleed through on lighter stocks, but we never committed to the 3rd gen since we couldn't get rid of the @nd gen systems.


If they could only bring the price down, and get some better color matching software.  Hope this helps
