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Ricoh Loses another Top Exec

Geesh, it's like rats getting off a sinking ship! Just today Mark Bottini resigned as VP of Direct Sales for Ricoh US. He's going to accept a senior leadership position at another company. What company? It wasn't mentioned.

And here's something I didn't know, Bottini was another former IKON guy! Taking his place will be David Greene, the same David Greene that was named VP of Dealer Sales of Ricoh US a month ago. Just as we thought we'd get a home grown Dealer guy, it seems that the carpet has been pulled out from under the dealers.

David Green was appointed to the VP of the Dealer Division August 15, 2011. Just one month and he's over to the direct side, actually not even a month since he was to take over as of August 1st.

So, I ask you who the heck is driving the ship for the Dealer side? As of right now, one? Ricoh expects to a replacement for Greene shortly...

Which leads to me to all of the stuff I hear on the street, I'm not gonna name names, but the word on the street is....well let's put it this way it's not good.

I for one would like to see a return to the past, where Ricoh America had some true leaders that had Vision, Knowledge and an understanding of the market place for Dealers. Let's face it; it was not Ricoh Business Systems, nor Ikon that built Ricoh Americas. It was the Dealer Channel that supported Ricoh in the 70's, 80's and early 90's that lead to an iconic brand that we loved to sell!

Today, we're faced with saturation of the Ricoh brands, with a certain channel that continues to drive prices to the point where we can't compete. It's all about the revenue right? No, it's about making a decent living for my family while selling a quality product. I continually get sick to my stomach when I've got let systems go for next to nothing, that's not selling to me.

In closing, I've been selling Ricoh for 14 years; I started out with duplicators and then moved to a company that also supported the MFP's. I've done very well with their products over the years, but the last 5 years have been a battle and personally I'm not in this business to battle. I'm here to make sales, make money and write my own ticket to success. Today it seems like I may have bought the wrong ticket on a one way ride.
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