Here's what I heard.
1. Ricoh is not supporting the ratio controllers anymore, due to the fact that they find that thier embedded controller will meet the needs of the AEC market or something close to that effect (I really had to laugh when I heard that)
2. Ratio America which advertises on the P4P forums is selling and support the ratio controller ( with the rip cube.
3. website is still up and running
The truth of the matter is ricoh let thier wide format business go down the tubes, and it seems there is no light at the end of the tunnel either. The new 3601 which has been pushed back from an 10/10 launch to a 01/11 launch will not help us compete with the likes of KIP and OCE. I've heard that the new 3601 will have color scanning, usb support and still have the same msrp of the W3600, well that's no ^%$%^&^ help to us.