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Reply to "Ricoh Dealership in Minnesota will buy......."

Independent Dealers will never compete successfully with any Direct _BS branch on price.

The _BS Branch has shown that they are willing to run their branches at a loss for years! We must sell at a profit, IMHO they should (Legally) have to also sell at a profit (Don't get me started on dumping).

If you work for an independent dealer and you are trying to compete with a _BS Branch (that sells your product) on price then you are playing into their hands, and you are going broke. They can outlast you! They have deeper pockets.

Change the focus of the sale, focus on your infrastructure and Service, Support after the sale. Let your customers know up front that you will be a little more expensive then the direct branch, because of your infrastructure (local warehouse full of parts, supplies, and inventory), local dispatch, local Systems Support. You will still need to be competitive BUT you won't have to be the cheapest.

<Insert rant here> Who goes out to buy the CHEAPEST TV, or the CHEAPEST CAR, or the CHEAPEST SUIT that they can find? Yet for some reason Purchasers think it is a good idea to buy the CHEAPEST MFD from the organization offering the CHEAPEST Service!!!<Start second rant here> By the way who do you know that bought their last car directly from GM or FORD? No! We buy cars from a local dealership that has a good reputation for Service & support after the sale <End both rants>

We just took the largest customer from a _BS Branch because of poor service. They initially won the deal by saying (read lying) "We are the Manufacturer". NO _BS Branch has ever manufactured anything.

Don't play their game! Don't sell on price. Don't meet their price make them meet your Service & Support. That has value to a customer BUT ONLY if you make it a selling point. The sweet taste of a cheap price soon turns sour in the face of poor service over the life of the lease!

I am going to get off my soap box now.

Vince McHugh