Here are the Kyocera Salesman Comebacks for your list just so you know.... This is not a knock on anyone, just telling you what I would say if these questions were posed to me...
posted Thu February 12 2004 04:45 PM
Thank you so much for your help here! You have gone above and beyond!
Ted, Mike & Merlin, Thank You as well!
Here is what I have come up with.
Kyocera Mita shortcomings: newer, with less overall experience with our rat race. I certainly recognize their connected experience, while on the other hand, why PS emulation and not the real deal?
(PS Emulation has been proven to work well in most cases, HP has been using emulation for years in their printers)Ricoh wants a premium for the Adobe PostScript of close to or over $1000, Kyocera gives you the emulation for free
As it relates to the 4035 specifically:
>Less efficient duplexing (thanks Merlin)
The Kyocera actually has a shorter duplex path
>No 100 DPI scan
100 DPI Scan quality is poor at best on th Ricoh
>Only Tiff and PDF scan, NO M-TIFF, JPEG
Since B/W Scanning is mainly for documents, you are going to want to use PDF for the universal file format
>Warm Up is twice as long on KM 4035
it is still less than a minute which is much better than your current analog machine
>No User Stamp, Preset Stamp and Date Numbering
How often will you use this, if all the time then there is no solution if rarely, you can ask if it is worth the extra $$
>No Bluetooth capability
I still have not seen a bluetooth implementation to date, 802.11 and 10/100 is the standard
>Control Panel doesn't seem as user friendly (need help on this one, but when I was reading through the user guide, it looked less intuitive than the Ricoh)
Control panel is much easier to customize for the user than the Ricoh
>No page insertion/chapterization via multiple paper sources
Job Build, once you learn it is is very easy
Job Build seems to address this (sort of?), but how complicated was that over a half dozen pages in the user guide.
>If it can copy mixed size originals, it is limited to 30 sheets
Have not had to address this one
>AND THE BIG ONE!!! only duplexes up to 21 lb. stock
I have never run across the issue of paper weight in the duplexer other than card stock but...we have duplexed 110 lb card stock here in the showroom though it is out of spec
By the way, the 4035 has a 200 sheet bypass tray the way you can DUPLEX from