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RBS Continues to Dump Machines & Make Dealers Look Bad!

RBS in New Jersey especially the Reps that handle Ocean County, New Jersey.

Too make a long story short, we were in a very competitive deal with Xerox for a 240W back in May. We sold a 240W with a one roll feeder and plotbase print n scan for a low amount (I needed one more to hit my quota). I did the deal, did the training and moved on.

Five months later RBS walks in and told them and they put it in writing that they sold there last 240W with a dual roll feeder, plotbase print and scan, interface and PC for $8,279! LOL

Well this has our customer furious, and our customer is a furious idiot I might add. He scanned us the quote and I must say that if RBS continues to give proposals like this, they too are a pack of idiots. Whats the definition of an idiot when they keep doing the same thing over and over.

I will not post the quote, for I may get this person fired and I actually want to keep seeing this person in the field because the quotes are bad. First they are done in word and very vaque. here I'll list a few points for you:

  • ability to print from network (240W)
  • ability to scan into a digital format (240W)
  • One Paper Roll Holder
  • 1 bottle of developer

    There is no mention of the hard drive, no mention of the interface card, no metion of print controller, no mention of scan controller, you need 2 BAGS of developer and not one bottle, along with no mention of a Roll Feeder. No statement that the 240W is new, used or demo.

    I understand that the quotes reference the ability to print and scan, however you can't print and scan with out the HD, nor the interface card.

    I actually found these quotes quite entertaining!!!! I can't wait to se the customer!
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