I think we all struggle with where to draw the line. The point I make with my Sales force, as well as with my customers is if you come in one day and you can't scan to email, but it was working fine yesterday the customer perceives this as "my MFD is broken" because one or more of the functions have stopped working. But most of the time nothing on the MFD is broken. The configuration is the same as it has been for the last 6 months (or 2 years). What most often has changed is something on the customers network. A few common examples are:
They change their email server
They deleted an account they thought no one was using
They changed a password on an account
They upgraded a system and it turned all the firewall setting on
Should we as their dealer be able to go in and quickly reconfigure their MFD to reflect the changes they made. Yes! But was the MFD broken? No! So does their maintenance agreement cover reconfiguring their MFD when their network changes? Only if the Service contract plainly spells it out.
A modern MFD needs a contract that covers network support. Rather than kick this can down the road and hope that the customer never changes anything on their network, we should start giving them the option up front to include this kind of network support in their break fix contract.
The problem that we run into all too often is a competitor will say "All that stuff is covered" but when the customer calls 2 years later for network support, and that young sales person no longer works there then what? If we all put it on our service contracts as an option we would have a level playing field, and our customers would get the support they need when they change something on their network that stops a function (like scan to folder) from working on their MFD.