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Reply to "Printing from Word Perfect"

From: Ted Sent: 9/19/2002 9:18 AM
I found with the Church, when they tried to print 750 Monthly Newsletters, it sent the job 750 times. This was 12 pages being put into a booklet mode and printed. The first time they did it it took about 7 hours. We figured out that you have to put the number of copies inside the properties box, not on the first print screen that pops up when you select print. If you do it on the first screen, the computer sends the job the number of times you selected. If you select the number of copies from inside the properties box under the setup tab, then the PC RIPs Once-Prints Many. I believe this is true for most programs. On small jobs with few pages, it doesn't matter if the PC RIPs the job a few times. However, it does matter if there are many pages and many sets need to be run.