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Print Cost & Security Manager

Does anyone know what the price is for this software, I am waiting for Schuman to get back to me, was suppose to send me pricing, alas I am still waiting........................................


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Recommend Delete Message 2 of 3 in Discussion

From: H2OSkier Sent: 7/15/2002 10:58 AM
Contact Vince Hanson from Equitrac at (800) 961-0184 x2239. He works with Bill Schuman and will be able to get you set up for pricing.

Recommend Delete Message 3 of 3 in Discussion

From: Lee Sent: 7/15/2002 7:34 PM
Equitrac came in and did a presentation at our dealership last Friday that I understand was informative. They has all of their tracking devices there and passed out information on the print logging software as well. I wasn't able to attend the meeting, but did go up and get a couple of business cards. Robert A. Gold, Sales Engineer, Coral Gables, FL. 1-800-327-0183 and Tim Prinsen, Regional Account Executive, Atlanta, 1-800-347-1095.
I'll scan in and post some information later about a class in Coral Gables they have on this stuff too. I think I'm going to try to send one of my folks to it. I might need to go along as a chaperone...

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