A couple of thoughts based on my lengthy experience with both Sharp and Ricoh.
Ricoh is far and away a better product. No doubt about it.
As stated above buyers buy the dealership and the relationship with the sales rep in my experience not the brand name on the front of the box. Take it from someone who spent years explaining to customers who "Gestetner" was that had never heard of them........and now "Lanier".
Finally, in this market I would urge extreme caution making any sort of employment change unless you are on a total sinking ship. Be careful. If you are successful at your current dealership you are risking an aweful lot by jumping ship and if you are not successful at your current company the odds are probably not going to be any better starting over from scratch with a new dealership. The grass may look greener on the other side but keep in mind you will be low man on the totem pole and the first guy let go if the economy takes another dump.