I agree with you on some points that his goals are admirable in wanting to cut wasteful spending. That's about it.
In the future if he is elected, and he cuts the nuclear arsenal, cuts defense spending, brings all of our troops back to the US from around the world (which numbers around 500,000), says that we no longer will protect our allies (which means that US bases around the world will have to be closed).
Does he honestly think that by telling the world we no longer will produce nuclear weapons, that Russia, Iran, China, & North Korea are going to stop producing theirs? If you thought 9-11-01 was catastrophic, just sit back and watch, cause you ain't seen nothing yet! The rest of the world is not going to lay their weapons down because Obama wants a global ban on nuclear weapons. All this is doing is giving the green light to other countries who want to destroy the US. Diplomacy may be the best policy, but what do you do when Iran says the hell with your diplomacy? Let us not forget what happened to the American hostages who were held in Iran. Let us not forget the failed military attempt to free those hostages under the reign of President Carter.
Your views may be different from mine, and it doesn't mean that you are right and I am wrong, but that we see things differently. I respect your views even though mine are different. That is one aspect of what makes the United States the greatest country on this earth, we have the FREEDOM to do so. Other countries only have government run television, and are told what to think and believe. We have the right to choose!
I would love to see our world at peace with one another, but it will never happen, not in our lifetime. If the fat can be trimmed from government spending, great, I'm all for it, but not at the expense of the men and women who are now and have ever defended this nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
I've said enough. Where did you say we were going fishing?