We do our own, we have the power to negoiate with the leasing companies for the best rate. However the less knowledgable reps rely on our lease admiistrator. I believe they are getting hammered for a few extra points (I hope not). Business is tough enough, owners should pass along the real rates.
On another note, I was told that our "major lease vendor" CIT raised the 60 month rate factor for 20K to .0199 when they were at .0192. They claim they are not making money on the residuals, as of today I will not use them for 60 month rates.
What I question is that they did not change the 48 nor 36 month rate. the 36 month rate is .0273! Maybe we have padded the 60 month and the salespeople who do not ask will just pay the price.
Fred C, can you comment on your industry as a whole? We have a registered member who is VP for a Leasing company.