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Reply to "Pay Plan"

I agree, without sales, service would be unemployed in 3 to 5 years. And yes, sales profit is at a minimum. However, if all MA the profit went the sales department where would service get its revenue from? The “billable dollars” would not be enough to support the salaries of the service employs. We’re robbing Peter, to pay Paul.

Some sales people sale boxes for profit, and if the dollar amount (in the pocket) is not there, they walk away to minimize their wasted time. Sales and the company need to be more creative. Selling third party software for instance. If your competitor is not offering it, and it fits the customer’s needs, can make a substantial profit.

Sale and service needs to work together in order for a company to grow and profit. I don’t want to sound negative or drive a spike between sales and service with my opinions in this text. I view this web site every evening on my personnel time to assist other technicians and help our customers. I enjoy it, I view and read every post, and more often I’m seeing how sales can get more dollars from service.

Dave, please don’t take it personally. This happens to be how I feel about this topic tonight or maybe I feel like having a debut. Come Monday, I would probably not even give it a thought. When I saw three posts on this topic I decided to give a response from a different point of view. Usually sales would respond to a post of this nature and never hear from the service side.

We need to move forward together as a company and an industry. To think of other ways to enhance the products we sell and service, so we can excel above our competitors. When we achieve this, we’ll all be very happy.