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Reply to "Over Holding On MFP Lease Costs Unnecessary Dollars"

Originally posted by Old Glory:
Yoda, I'm curious about your use of the "Peace Out" closing. Is the intent to show sarcasm? It just seems like a strange way to close a post after you have just ridiculed and demeaned a significant number of our members.
Inflamatory, inflamatory - Peace Out...Just seems odd to me.

Its a simple saying from the 70's means nothing. And you only see the attention getting parts of my posts do you ever read the content? Yes I am competitive, grumpy, mean and laser focused to provide:

1. My customers with the best possible imaging solution they can afford.
2. My sales people with the highest standard of living I can provide.
3. My company the most profit available.
4. My customers the best service second to none.

No ulterior motives, just trying to share what works and discount what doesn't. Where we disagree is what our solutions are worth. Do you really think a customer cares that much if they are paying a little more in interest (BTW right now the carrying cost is close to 0 so its a mute point)
EX: An outstanding imaging solution that works well regardless of price to a 20 employee company (payroll of approx $60,000 per month)is $200 more than if they wait. Losing the value of using the product for 18 months that may actually increase the bottom line of that company? BTW (0.00333% per month)

Its simple business math and I'm not sure why so many sales people fight it.
Customers want to upgrade if its even close. Your insinuation that upgrading a customer with 18 months left on a lease with a new business idea that makes their work flow better, with right sized equipment and makes sense cash flow wise is unscrupulous is dumb/ignorant and that was my point.

Have a nice day! Wink

PS Next will be "Bless your heart" for those of you from the North that's not a compliment in the South LOL thought it was for awhile!.
Last edited by Yoda