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Reply to "Over Holding On MFP Lease Costs Unnecessary Dollars"

Yoda, you need to not be so quick to throw around the "ignorant" and "dumb" labels. Just because something is true in your tiny little world does not mean it is universally true. For instance, we share revenue from the first month, not the third but what difference does that make. It is still not in the best interest of the customer (in most cases), which should be our primary concern.
That brings me to your next, supposedly obvious, observation. "shame on any rep that allows a lease to get anywhere near less than 18 months left on a lease." I assume you are talking about a 60 month lease or you are even more unscrupulous than I orignally thought. So you feel that it is in the customer's best interest? to roll 18 months of payments into a new lease, where they are now paying interest upon interest, extra property tax and a higher end of lease residual? You also say it should never go beyond 18 months so I assume you will compound the issue by doing it again on the third lease. Does it ever end? Can I ask how long you have been in this business? I can say with all certainty that this is not the formula for long-term success and after 30 years in this business I feel I have earned the right to say so.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.