[QUOTE]Is that from silver nitrate?
Oh, wow, I don't remember what was in those trays!! Maybe I blanked it out. LOL From 1983 until 1987 my hands were permanently brown from all the darkroom work in my college photojournalism classes. It was a badge of honor with my classmates to not use tongs with the developing chemicals, because you see we were all going to be crusty tough journalists. LOL
Part of me is sad, though, that today's print communicators don't have this foundation in older technology. I think it lends a better understanding and appreciation of the process of putting words on paper. Anyone now can be a graphic designer with the help of desktop publishing, but they don't always understand the design choices they're not making. Doing headline counting and using photo proportion wheels are lost arts. I got to use a linotype once, and felt like I'd made a direct connection back to Gutenberg himself. But, deep down, I'm just thrilled I never have to wet print to make deadline again!