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Network Scanning Problems

Not sure this is the best forum for these issues, but I didn't see a network scanning discussion.

Here is my dilemma:

I set up Scan Router on a Windows 2003 server that is a domain controller (alhtough in my opinion the jury is still out whether this is okay or not). Some notes say do not install on domain controller while others say Windows 2003 server is okay. I'm assuming that is it is okay unless it is the domain controller.

The result was that delivery services were suspended sometime within a day. So, I moved SR to an XP pro machine. The result was the same. The customer told me that they read in the notes that services will be suspended when maintenance is performed and that maintenance was scheduled for 1:00AM. I'm not sure how or where this was scheduled.

Because the scanning was now moved to an XP Pro machine I decided to ditch SR and set up SMB scanning. I created a directory on my chosen scan file server and routed all scans here. I then went to the 30 client pcs and began setting up sortcuts to the scan directory. After setting up 8-10 I began getting errors from the client computers stating "this computer is not accessible. You might not have permision to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.

No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept."

Now, when I browsed the network from some client computers I was unable to get further than the domain. However, on restart I was able to browse the domain.

I have a couple of suspicions:

1. There are more users on the domain than there are valid licenses for.

2. There is a limited number of connections to a share on Win XP Pro.

3. These users are not part of the EVERYONE group or do not have rights to access the file server computer.

My comments on theory 1 are that I that both me and my network technician were having problems accessing from differnt pcs but when 1 of us tried again we were able to from the same pc we were not able to a moment ago.

Theory 2 - Probably the most logical theory and the one I am least experienced with. My question here is, is it a certain number within a certain amount of time and what is the time and what is the limit?

Theory 3 - I will need to get their IT guru's input on.

If anyone has any input or advice that will ease my pain, I'd greatly appreciate it.
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