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Reply to "Need Help for Print Solution!"

they are typically user customized in the application. For example a law firm printing to an HP 4000, when they print a letter it's always in dup or triplicatel; right?

So the program is set up when they select to print, a letter that they get:

1. a print on letterhead
2. a print on plain paper
3. a print on colored paper
4. an evnelope.

I always run into this when replacing printers, because it never is configured to do the same thing, and i have like 30 legal secretaries wanting to kill me....

So 1st questions. Did you create this application process for them - or were they doing it before?

2. Can the application they working from support the macro's?

If so you set up the job in the application, and the printer just takes the command. Does that make sense....

here's a quick link to a google search:

goole search for macro