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More than eight million pages printed by Coventry council in 2019

More than eight million pages were printed by Coventry City Council in 2019 costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of pounds.

The authority printed 8,307,290 pages and copied 197,023 pages by the end of November, a Freedom of Information request from the Local Democracy Reporting Service found.

The council spent £117,235 on colour printing and £169,617 on mono printing in the same period – a total of £286,894.

However the overall cost of printer and copier usage is likely to be far higher when taking into account a council supplier contract.

The council’s contract register shows it entered into a £524,000 lease with IT supplier Ricoh UK Ltd for the period 1/04/18 to 31/03/20.

As the period covers two financial years it could be split evenly in half – £262,000 per year – however, the council has not disclosed details of the deal for printers, copiers and other computer equipment as it is “commercially sensitive”.

A spokesman added: “While we continually work towards reducing our use of printer and copiers, it is realistic that in a public-facing organisation providing more than 700 services a certain amount of usage is still necessary.”

Asked if the authority had any policy which discourages unnecessary printing or copying, the spokesman said the council had moved many aspects to become paperless.

He added: ”We always encourage staff to think before printing and copying, and we have recycling bins throughout our offices to ensure paper can be used again.

“We also have far more resources placed online than ever before.”


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Last edited by Art Post
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