Normally, I don't track much as long as the numbers are there. A weekly calendar month and 90 day forecast every Monday is all that is required. I've worked metro areas as well as rural and the expected number of calls have varied accordingly but I am big on a weekly, hit no matter what number of calls. I prefer weekly so that it is harder to come up with excuses for failure. My number, in this rural territory is 80 face-to-face calls per week...a number that is doable even if you're sick a day or have lots of appointments. I tell them to shoot for 20/day and if successful you have all day Friday for paperwork or an afternoon off.
If they fall below 80% of quota Year-to-Date they go on the PRA (Programed Recovery Assistance) Program and life becomes miserable...daily call reports, meetings with management, required reading, no time off, etc.