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Reply to "Measuring Reps Activity"

Since we have experienced reps, management lets us do what we want as long as we are making the numbers!

When numbers are not made, we are then required to make at least 100 phone calls per week.

In reference to measuring the amount of phone calls made, the phone system will report on amount of calls made from each line.

Yes, phone calls do count!

No, they donot count direct mail.

everyone counts as long as you made the call!

It seems that the general consenus is that business has slowed somewhat, either everyone else is catching up to Ricoh, or the demand is slowing somewhat.

All the more reason to find software solutions that will entice the customer to upgrade or being able to consut a print analysis for the customer.

As stated before my best success comes from finding customers who are not in the market! Also over the years I have placed many systems and where I was not concerned about "how much I made" rather how many units I placed. I knew down the road they would need to upgrade and my chances for larger commissions would be increased as long as the account was serviced properly.