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Reply to "Marlin Does Not Disclose Possible Loss Of Evergreen Payments"


I suppose I shouldn't put all of this on the salespeople because most of them work for dealerships that dictate to them which lease company they can use. It is just a shame that it is all about what is best for the dealership without regard to what is best for the customer.

Old Glory: Could not have stated it better, most dealerships could not give a rats ass about what's best for the customer, if that was the case we'd all be selling 10% leases (remember them, they are a thing of the past) or the $1.00 buy out.

Not only what I mentioned above, what I'm seeing is that dealerships are letting the leasing companies now add additional fees to return the equipment early, these fee's were NOT a part of the original dealer agreement and dealer ownership is allowing this to happen because they would rather close the lease and return the equipment right away. Now returning the equipment early and closing out the lease early is a GOOD thing, however why is it always as the salespersons expense? Why does the dealership not kick in half? I tell you after 33 years I growing old of the games that are played and how under appreciated good reps are handled in this business!
