By West McDonald, Vice President of Business Development, Print Audit & Owner, FocusMPS
Whether you are a seasoned sales veteran driving a 7-series BMW or a newbie looking to get to your first President’s Club, the job of Selling can sometimes get the best of us. All of us, at one time or another in our Sales career, lose our Mojo and we are left wondering if we can ever get it back. Before you pack it all in, quit your job and head for a Kabala, realize that there are less drastic and more rewarding ways to get your Mojo back. Here is a list of my favourite:

1. Catch up on your reading: I’ve trained a lot of Sales reps over the years and one of the first questions I ask is “What have you read lately?” I am often surprised to realize that a lot of people stop reading after they finish their schooling, and this is a big mistake. Learning should never stop and the best way to ensure you keep growing is to continue reading things that teach you something. read the rest here