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Reply to "Lexmark A4 lineup"


There are 16 unique products that are only available to the Business Solutions Dealers. These products have a more aggressive price point and the CPP is lower than the products that can be purchase online or thru the VAR channel.

There are embedded solutions for specific verticals that can be downloaded via the web (Virtual Solutions Center) and immediately uploaded to the machine. For example, the Education Station allows teachers to create test/quiz templates along with corresponding bubble answer sheets similar to ScanTrons. When the students are done taking the test/quiz, the teacher scans all of the answer sheets, and they are graded by an application that resides on the server. Within minutes, the graded answer sheets are printed, and graphs are printed to show the teacher/parents the average scores for the class along with a summary of the % of the class that answered each question correctly so that the teacher can know which topics the class has a firm grasp of versus the topics that need to be re-emphasiszed.

Instead of having to configure every machine individually, the installing technician can configure one and clone the rest of the fleet with the touch of a button.

We have both products in our Technology Portal, and the Lexmark control panel is much easier to navigate and is significantly more customizable than the HP models.

Overall, I was extremely impressed by the knowledge of the training staff (much more so than our Lanier reps) and with the ammunition they gave us to take into the field.