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Leasing Company Copiers are Underwater

Here's an interesting scenario that I have to muddle through, would love to hear from others on this.

One of my accounts at the Jersey Shore had the entire admin builing flooded. The leasing company who holds the lease is Great America.

The town entered into a lease with Great America and with most muni leases they had to submit a PO to the leasing company. In this case the PO was just for the monthly payments for the lease, thus I'm assuming that insurance on the hardware was never even billed or offered due to the use of the PO.

The towns insurance policy does not cover for them for flood water damage.

So, what can the town do, they need new units, however still have the debt on the flooded units. The town is still in dire straits with 95% of all businesses still closed and more than 1200 of the 1600 homes had damage from the storm.

I was thinking of writing a letter to the CEO of Great America to ask if they would just cancel the existing leases as a gesture of good will to the community. Here in the state of NJ, home owner taxes were capped at 2% per year, however there is a clause that in case of catastrphic damage towns would be ablt to raise taxes by whatever percentage they needed to re-coup the expenses of the storm.

Do you think the letter to Great America would help?
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