Braxtoq....those features may blow the end user away but when they are rarely used what good are they. In a demo that can be impressive just like the retractable keyboard. However 9 times our of 10 those features although are very cool will never be used. These units are a tough sell compared to the previous MX color series. There are many that are intimidated by this interface no matter how easy it for them to use. As you know every manufacturer has their bells & whistles that are to make a bold statement that these are the most flexible system would be a stretch. They are definitely not a powerhouse like the big boys as many on this board can attest. They hold their ground but there are many areas they are lacking and despite all the end user complaints the R&D rarely address these ideas. There are areas that they just will not improve on when all the other boys already have these solved. They are not interested in getting every deal because they could not match up. Even though there have been several complaints in certain areas they choose not to fix these areas and don't really care if they lose a deal because their competition can meet the end users needs. I am not saying that all manufacturers are perfect but from talking with others the big boys listen and make those improvements. Many predict they will be gobbled up by the big boys in time. It is very rare that you see Sharp in large corporate accounts compared to the others. Especially in graphic heavy areas because Sharp cut off the EFI relationship and they only have business color not graphics color. You are correct only time will tell but it will be an uphill battle.